Artist's Guide to Better Your Lettering: 5 Steps to Creating Compositions Like A Pro

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Have you ever scrolled through images of beautiful lettering on Instagram and thought to yourself, “Wow, I wish my work could look that professional!"...but you don't know how to take your lettering to the next level?

So you wanna know the secret sauce that separates the beginners from the experts? It's all about mastering composition

This e-book will take you through the 5 essential steps professional artists like me use to create stunning, professional artwork using these tried and true composition principles. I will teach you how to:

  1. Establish visual hierarchy
  2. Use thumbnail sketches to ideate quickly
  3. Lay out your final sketch
  4. Work in layers to refine your sketch
  5. Finalize your piece and retain its hand drawn look (even if you're working digitally)

If you're tired of spending all your time scrolling on your phone and wondering just how the heck professional artists make their work look so superior, snag this guide, follow the process laid out for you, and watch your lettering go from adequate to stunning in just 5 steps.